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Deprecated Features

The following table lists deprecated features and their respective shutdown dates.

FeatureDeprecated DateShutdown DateDetails
request_reactor_id and response_reactor_id removed from ProxiesNovember 30, 2022March 31, 2023In order to simplify management of Proxies, use of request_transform and response_tramsform has been recommended over Reactors.
Token Privacy SettingsOctober 13, 2022February 1, 2023Privacy settings (i.e. classification, impact level, and restriction policy) have been deprecated and replaced by a more flexible authorization model based upon Containers and Access Rules. For more information, see the section below on Migrating from Privacy Settings.

Migrating From Privacy Settings

Privacy settings were previously used to scope access to Tokens based on their data classification and impact levels. In order to provide a more flexible access control model that can be customized per Application, we have introduced Token Containers to logically group Tokens according to any data governance requirements. A Token may be explicitly added to a container when creating the Token, or if unspecified, a Token will be placed within the container /<classification>/<impact_level>/ by default. If you were previously customizing a Token's classification or impact level, please update your systems to directly set the containers attribute instead.

Restriction policies were previously used in conjunction with impact level based read permissions (e.g. token:general:read:low) to define how Token data should be transformed when reading Tokens with a higher impact level than your permission allows. This model proved to be too inflexible as it was a global setting applied at the Token level and could not be customized per actor. Restriction policies no longer have any functional impact, and were replaced by transforms applied via Access Rules.

If your systems are using the privacy attribute of the Token Object in API responses, please update your integration to ignore this attribute as it will be removed on February 1, 2023.