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What is Search?

Encrypting data has always come with one costly tradeoff: it makes searching over your data very complicated. Basis Theory’s search feature aims to make that as simple and painless as possible, without any need to detokenize or decrypt your data.

How It Works

When a Token is created, the data is securely indexed in several data patterns using blind indexes. Combining the blind indexes with the existing metadata on the tokens allows you to search your entire Vault with a simple query. You can search over the following fields:

  • id
  • type
  • data
  • fingerprint
  • container
  • metadata.[key]
  • created_by
  • created_at
  • modified_by
  • modified_at

Searching data is not limited by token type. It is entirely driven by the presence of search indexes, which is an array of search index expressions that can be specified within the request when creating a token. Some token types have default search indexes, but they can be overridden with custom indexes to fit your use case.


In order to search Tokens using the API, you must use an Application with the token:search permission. The search results are filtered based on the permissions associated with the Application; you cannot search for tokens you do not have permission to access.

Query Syntax

Basis Theory uses a Lucene-based query syntax to power the search engine. Searching is case-insensitive, however only exact matches are currently supported. Wildcard searches are not available at this time. The search query is a string with one or more terms in the format field:value. For instance, if you want to find all social security numbers, you would query:


To search Token data on Types that support it, you can search for the indexed data patterns. To search for Tokens containing the data 123-45-6789, you would query:


If you are searching over data that contains multiple words or spaces, you can wrap the search value in quotes:

data:"data containing multiple words"

Searching Tokens using metadata is supported as well. Metadata search terms use dot notation for key in the form of metadata.key:value. For example, to search for Tokens having the metadata { customer_id: "123456" }, query for:


Date range searches are supported using the Lucene bracketed range syntax. [START_DATE TO END_DATE] denotes an inclusive range and {START_DATE TO END_DATE} denotes an exclusive range. Values are formatted as a string in ISO 8601 format and can either represent a date or date and time in UTC. For example, to search for tokens that were created in the year 2021, you can query:

created_at:[2021-01-01 TO 2021-12-31T23:59:59Z]

To search a range without a start or end date, use the wildcard * in place of the start or end date, for example:

created_at:{* TO 2022-01-01}

Multiple terms may be combined using the AND and OR operators and grouped using parentheses. For example:

(type:social_security_number AND metadata.user_id:1234) OR data:111-11-1111

Only the Lucene query operators described above are supported at this time. If you would like to have support for any additional Lucene features, please let us know.


What is the difference between Search and Fingerprints?

Fingerprints are a measure of uniqueness, not a representation of the underlying data. Fingerprints can be used to locate duplicate data, for instance, but do not allow you to find specific data. You cannot find a card number ending in 4242 with fingerprints.

How does searching Tokens affect my Monthly Active Token usage?

Each Token that matches the search query made via the API and is returned in the result set becomes an Active Token for that month. Searching through the Portal as a logged in user will not affect MAT usage.